Movies like Film socialisme

If you like "Film socialisme" you are looking for serious, atmospheric and realistic movies about / with politics, family relations, parents and children, ship, social differences, society and state affairs themes of Drama genre shot in Switzerland or France.
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Film socialisme (2010)
Film socialisme (2010)
Original name: Film Socialisme
Genre: Drama
Country: Switzerland, France
Duration: 102 min.
Story: A symphony in three movements. Things such as a Mediterranean cruise, numerous conversations, in numerous languages, between the passengers, almost all of whom are on holiday... Our Europe. At night, a sister and her younger brother have summoned their parents to appear before the court of their childhood. The children demand serious explanations of the themes of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Our humanities. Visits to six sites of true or false myths: Egypt, Palestine, Odessa, Hellas, Naples and Barcelona.
Style: serious, atmospheric, realistic, contemplative, avant garde, philosophical, political, offbeat, gloomy
Plot: politics, family relations, parents and children, ship, social differences, society, state affairs, parent child relationship, justice, family business, filmmaking, communism, isolation, conversation, marxist, cruise, world war two, french revolution, dictator, philosophy, casino, resentment, geometry, news reporter, human nature ...
Time: 2010s, 21st century, contemporary
Place: europe, egypt, africa, italy, greece, ukraine, middle east ...
Keyword: jewish

Movie in categories

Most similar movies to Film socialisme

The list contains related movies ordered by similarity. Recommendation engine sorted out serious, realistic, contemplative and gloomy films with plots about society, family relations, state affairs, politics, parents and children, hopes and human nature mostly in Drama, Adventure and Fantasy genres. Some movies like Film socialisme: Communists (2014), Our Music (2004), In Praise of Love (2001), Adanggaman (2000), The Dust of Time (2008). The matching attributes are highlighted in bold.
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Communists (2014)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Switzerland
Duration: 70 min.
Story: Jean-Marie Straub pushes this musicality of blocks to a paroxysmal extreme, mixing blocks of time (40 years separate the various extracts that are going to be used, and what is to be filmed), blocks of text (Malraux, Fortini, Vittorini, Hölderlin) ...
Style: experimental, realistic, atmospheric, serious, political ...
Plot: communism, working class, state affairs, politics, communist, social differences, society, class struggle, utopia, human nature
Place: tuscany, egypt
⇓ similarity ⇓
Our Music (2004)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Switzerland
Duration: 80 min.
Story: Jean-Luc Godard's poetic meditation on war, violence and defeat. The film is structured in three parts. The three segments are "Hell", "Purgatory", and "Heaven". The first segment is a montage of war images from ...
Style: philosophical, meditative, atmospheric, serious, political ...
Plot: politics, life philosophy, existentialism, self discovery, greed, society, anti war, memory, journalist, poetry, religion, minimalism ...
Time: year 2004, 90s, 21st century
Place: middle east, sarajevo, bosnia, europe, former yugoslavia
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In Praise of Love (2001)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Switzerland, Germany
Duration: 97 min.
Story: Someone we hear talking - but whom we do not see - speaks of a project which describes the four key moments of love: meeting, physical passion, arguments/separation and making up. This project is to be told through three couples: young, adult and ...
Style: enigmatic, stylized, psychological, philosophical, atmospheric ...
Plot: art, humanity, loneliness, life & death, politics, artist, philosophy, painter, existentialism, memory, women, conversation ...
Time: year 2001
Place: france, paris france, europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
Adanggaman (2000)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Switzerland, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Italy
Duration: 90 min.
Story: In West Africa during the late 17th century, King Adanggaman leads a war against his neighboring tribes, ordering his soldiers to torch enemy villages, kill the elderly and capture the healthy tribesmen to sell to the European slave traders. When ...
Style: disturbing, suspenseful, serious, contemplative, realistic ...
Plot: slave trade, heroes, social differences, state affairs, injustice, politics, society, heroic mission, slavery, mother son relationship, african, blaxploitation ...
Time: 17th century
Place: africa, europe, france, west africa
⇓ similarity ⇓
Movie in collections
The Dust of Time (2008)
Genre: Drama
Country: Greece, Italy, Germany, Russia, France
Duration: 125 min.
Story: A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in Italy, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA. The main character is Eleni, who is claimed and ...
Style: atmospheric, serious, sincere, touching, sentimental ...
Plot: love affair, love and romance, parents and children, introspection, love triangle, couple relations, politics, starting over, society, state affairs, hopes, political unrest ...
Time: 90s, 60s, 50s, 20th century, 80s ...
Place: kazakhstan, greece, new york, germany, asia ...
⇓ similarity ⇓
One Day You'll Understand (2008)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Germany, Israel
Duration: 90 min.
Story: A man endeavors to collect memories of his grandparents who died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
Style: serious, realistic, emotional, touching, contemplative ...
Plot: world war two, holocaust, war crime, haunted by the past, family relations, family life, death in the family, parents and children, against humanity, love and romance, society, trial ...
Time: 80s, 20th century
Place: paris france, germany, middle east, france, europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story (2009)
Genre: Drama
Country: Egypt
Duration: 150 min.
Story: A female talk show host in Cairo, Egypt, stirs up a political controversy when she focuses her on-air discussions on the topic of women's issues.
Style: realistic, serious, touching, tense, islamic ...
Plot: journalism, politics, injustice, hopes, introspection, dentist, media, rebelliousness, state affairs, idealism, couple relations, political corruption ...
Time: 21st century
Place: africa, egypt, middle east
⇓ similarity ⇓
The Karamazov Brothers (2008)
Genre: Drama
Country: Czech Republic, Poland, France
Duration: 110 min.
Story: Dostoevsky’s latter-day opus about the siblings and their father is among the masterpieces of world literature. It asks profound questions about ethics and religion. Is there a God? Does the devil exist? Is everything allowed because we live in a ...
Style: captivating, sincere, atmospheric, realistic, serious ...
Plot: theater, hopes, lifestyle, parents and children, human nature, performer's life, redemption, artists and showbiz, society, dealing with death, siblings relations, family relations ...
Time: 21st century
Place: europe, eastern europe, prague, poland, central europe ...
⇓ similarity ⇓
Movie in collections
Joy of Learning (1969)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, West Germany
Duration: 95 min.
Story: Night after night, not long before dawn, two young adults, Patricia and Emile, meet on a sound stage to discuss learning, discourse, and the path to revolution. Scenes of Paris's student revolt, the Vietnam War, and other events of the late ...
Style: eros, avant garde, contemplative, tense, talky ...
Plot: revolution, politics, hipster, repression, black panthers, theory, television studio, education, man in underwear, marxism, philosophy, capitalism ...
Time: 60s
Place: france, paris france, america, vietnam, cuba ...
⇓ similarity ⇓
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Israel, Canada
Duration: 100 min.
Story: Tai is 17 years old. Naim is 20. She's Israeli. He's Palestinian. She lives in Jerusalem. He lives in Gaza. They were born in a land of scorched earth, where fathers bury their children. They must endure an explosive situation that is not ...
Style: serious, realistic, touching, sentimental, emotional ...
Plot: israeli palestinian conflict, friendship, interracial relations, rebelliousness, family life, society, danger, terrorism, politics, friends, teenage life, political unrest ...
Time: 21st century
Place: middle east, palestine, palestinian authority, israel
⇓ similarity ⇓
Let the Wind Blow (2004)
Genre: Drama
Country: India
Duration: 93 min.
Story: A collegian in turbulent Mumbai attempts to improve his lifestyle.
Style: serious, realistic, captivating, sincere, contemplative ...
Plot: coming of age, working class, rich and poor, follow your dream, social differences, political unrest, parents and children, society, youth, state affairs, hopes, family relations ...
Time: 90s, 20th century
Place: asia, india, bombay india
⇓ similarity ⇓
Exit: A personal history (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy
Duration: 85 min.
Story: A young man travels to Holland for an assisted suicide. The young man was convinced that this was his only way of ending an existence that he considered to lack any dignity.
Style: experimental, contemplative, atmospheric, surreal, psychological ...
Plot: family relations, human nature, dull life, unfulfillment, siblings relations, urban, death wish, dealing with death, sexual content, disability, human rights, urban setting ...
Time: 21st century
Place: holland, italy, europe, amsterdam
⇓ similarity ⇓
The Domino Effect (2012)
Genre: Drama
Country: UK, Netherlands
Duration: 100 min.
Story: If global economy came to a sudden stop what would be the effect on families worldwide? People in different countries or continents might not seem to be interrelated but there is more than meets the eye and we might be more connected than we ...
Style: realistic, serious, psychological, captivating, gloomy ...
Plot: international crisis, society, politics, materialism, family relations, life is a bitch, state affairs, rivalry, adaptation, finance, world spanning, family life
Time: 21st century
⇓ similarity ⇓
Iron Island (2005)
Genre: Drama
Country: Iran
Duration: 90 min.
Story: Squatters live on a mothballed oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. The children attend a school on board; men harvest scrap metal and old oil in the hull; women keep house and raise children and Captain Nemat runs it all with an iron hand. We follow a ...
Style: contemplative, realistic, serious, thought provoking, sincere ...
Plot: ship, forbidden love, human nature, injustice, power relations, human spirit, hopes, misfit, young lovers, anarchist, youth, social misfits ...
Time: 21st century
Place: iran, middle east, persia
⇓ similarity ⇓
Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide (2005)
Genre: Adventure, Drama
Country: Italy, France, UK
Duration: 115 min.
Story: A coming-of-age drama set in contemporary Italy.
Style: serious, realistic, sexy, captivating, melancholic
Plot: politics, family relations, parents and children, misfit, state affairs, hopes, family problems, ship, boy, illegal immigration, immigrant, ocean ...
Time: 21st century
Place: italy, mediterranean sea, europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
When the Night (2011)
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy
Duration: 114 min.
Story: After meeting during their vacation, two young people with solitary lives suddenly come into a relationship that could benefit both of them.
Style: serious, realistic, touching, contemplative, gloomy
Plot: family relations, fall in love, love and romance, unfulfillment, unfulfilled love, haunted by the past, parents and children, mountain, cheating wife, brother brother conflict, unfaithful husband, snow ...
Time: 20th century, 90s, 21st century
Place: italy, europe
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Little Jerusalem (2005)
Genre: Drama
Country: France
Duration: 96 min.
Story: An orthodox Jewish teen living with her family in France attempts to balance her religious upbringing with her increasingly complex view of the outside world.
Style: touching, sincere, serious, realistic, gloomy ...
Plot: self discovery, culture clash, society, lifestyle, love and romance, crumbling marriage, family problems, couples, infidelity, social differences, youth, male female relationship ...
Place: middle east, paris france, france, europe, israel
⇓ similarity ⇓
Kamchatka (2002)
Genre: Drama
Country: Argentina, Spain, Italy
Duration: 106 min.
Story: The movie show us how life was in Argentina for dissident people, in the seventies, under the military government.
Style: serious, sincere, sentimental, realistic, political ...
Plot: coming of age, life is a bitch, family in danger, family life, youth, confined, parents and children, political unrest, isolation, society, totalitarianism, parent child relationship ...
Time: 70s, 20th century, year 1976
Place: argentina, latin america, buenos aires argentina
⇓ similarity ⇓
Movie in collections
A Lake (2008)
Genre: Drama
Country: France
Duration: 90 min.
Story: The story takes place in a country about which we know nothing: a country of snow and dense forests somewhere in the North. A family lives in an isolated house near a lake. Alexi, the brother, is a young man with pure heart. A woodcutter. An ...
Style: emotional, psychological, stylized, atmospheric, contemplative ...
Plot: physical appearance, family relations, mysterious character, human nature, wilderness, obsession, couple relations, family problems, love and romance, losing-it hero, isolation, woods ...
Time: year 2008
Place: europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
Singing Women (2013)
Genre: Drama
Country: Turkey, Germany, France
Duration: 120 min.
Story: An island off the coast of Turkey is about to be evacuated due to a possible earthquake but its inhabitants have been stricken with a mysterious illness, consigning them to an uncertain fate.
Style: atmospheric, realistic, serious, surreal, suspense ...
Plot: island, family relations, elderly, isolation, best friend, aging, parents and children, family problems, plague, confined, dysfunctional family, friends ...
Time: 21st century
Place: middle east, turkey
⇓ similarity ⇓
Gideon's Daughter (2005)
Genre: Drama
Country: UK
Duration: 105 min.
Story: Bill Nighy and Miranda Richardson star in a story of grief and celebrity, set in the intense spring and summer of New Labour's election victory and Diana's death. Nighy is a PR guru who has to stop and re-evaluate his world when his ...
Style: serious, realistic, captivating, political, tense ...
Plot: election, love affair, introspection, relationship vs career, politics, redemption, family relations, estrangement, family problems, parents and children, manic pixie dream girl, summer ...
Time: 90s
Place: england, europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
Majesty (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Netherlands
Duration: 100 min.
Story: One hour before the State Opening of Parliament, something very unusual happens. The Prime Minister appears and demands an adjustment to the Queen's speech. The speech concerns aid to Africa. Even with all the pressure around the State Opening, ...
Style: serious, realistic, touching, captivating
Plot: royal family, politics, couples, private vs public, family relations, love and romance, head of state, forbidden love, society, disagreement, royal court, parents and children ...
Time: 21st century
Place: europe, holland, africa, south africa, london ...
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Dad (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Slovenia
Duration: 71 min.
Story: After a long separation, a father and his son spend the day fishing on the river bank. On a beautiful autumn Sunday, surrounded by the majestic countryside, they seem to be alone in the world. They must start all over again.
Style: realistic, atmospheric, sincere, stylized, serious ...
Plot: family relations, youth, parent child relationship, countryside, parents and children, father son relationship, nature, kids and family, father and son, separated parents, father, river ...
Time: 21st century
Place: europe
⇓ similarity ⇓
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2010s movies
marxist movies
egypt movies
africa movies
Horse Money (2014)
Genre: Drama
Country: Portugal
Duration: 103 min.
Story: While the young captains lead the revolution in the streets, the people of Fontainhas search for Ventura, lost in the woods.
Style: psychological, touching, atmospheric, emotional, postmodern ...
Plot: immigrant, introspection, social decay, haunted by the past, mental institution, revolution, society, state affairs, life is a bitch, misfit, existentialism, anthropology ...
Time: 2010s, 21st century
Place: portugal, africa
⇓ similarity ⇓
Goodbye to Language (2014)
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Country: Switzerland, France
Duration: 70 min.
Story: About a man who’s angry at his wife because she’s met another man on a park bench and they no longer even speak the same language.
Style: surreal, experimental, atmospheric, serious, stylized ...
Plot: introspection, battle of the sexes, couple relations, love, crumbling marriage, fight, communication problem, dog, book, unsettling, bookstore, moving ...
Time: 2010s, 90s, 21st century
Place: europe, france, switzerland
⇓ similarity ⇓
Just Great (1972)
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Italy
Duration: 95 min.
Story: Godard examines the structure of movies, relationships and revolutions through the life of a couple in Paris.
Style: surreal, political, contemplative, clever, witty ...
Plot: reporter, strike, dialectical materialism, female journalist, love, chaos, anarchism, anarchy, communism, revolution, factory, politics ...
Time: year 1972, 70s, 60s, 20th century, year 1968
Place: france, paris france, asia, vietnam, europe
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Erratum (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Poland
Duration: 95 min.
Story: Michał jedzie do miasta swojego urodzenia, aby załatwić sprawę o którą prosi go szef i od razu wracać. Sprawy przybierają jednak inny obrót. Michał musi pozostać tu parę dni dłużej. Chodząc po mieście spotyka bliskie mu niegdyś ...
Style: atmospheric, contemplative, realistic, psychological, captivating ...
Plot: self discovery, homecoming, haunted by the past, buddies, parents and children, family relations, hopes, redemption, profanity, friends, estrangement, bittersweet ...
Time: 21st century
Place: poland, europe
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The Big Dream (2009)
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy, France
Duration: 101 min.
Story: Italian Revolution, 1968. Police officer, Nicolas, wants to become an actor. He goes out in plain clothes and meets Laura who is among students against the government, Vietnam War and who seek sexual freedom. One day, his identity gets exposed and ...
Style: serious, realistic, suspense, tense, touching ...
Plot: love triangle, politics, rebelliousness, state affairs, against the rules, follow your dream, love and romance, secret movement, double life, mole, student life, youth ...
Time: 20th century, 60s, year 1968
Place: italy, europe
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The Four Times (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy, Germany, Switzerland
Duration: 88 min.
Story: An old shepherd lives his last days in a quiet medieval village perched high on the hills of Calabria, at the southernmost tip of Italy. He herds goats under skies that most villagers have deserted long ago. He is sick, and believes to find his ...
Style: surreal, serious, sincere, realistic, emotional ...
Plot: old man, goat, elderly, nature, shepherd, village, introspection, redemption, hopes, death, superstition, very little dialogue ...
Time: 2010s, year 2010
Place: italy, europe
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Cold Water of the Sea (2010)
Genre: Drama
Country: Costa Rica, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico
Duration: 83 min.
Story: On New Year's holidays, Mariana (21) and Rodrigo (30) drive to the coast where he has to sell a property. There, they find Karina (7), late at night and in the middle of nowhere. She tells then she ran away from home.
Style: realistic, serious, psychological, atmospheric, contemplative ...
Plot: mysterious character, society, obsession, couple relations, lifestyle, introspection, social differences, little girl, beach, twentysomething life, ocean, swimming pool ...
Time: 21st century
Place: latin america, costa rica
⇓ similarity ⇓
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