Father issues movies and TV shows

The list contains the best, new and most relevant father issues movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out crying, serious, realistic, psychological, psychotronic and independent film films and TV shows about / with father issues, family relations, bare chested male, father daughter relationship, male objectification, teenager, murder, telephone call, cigarette smoking and death plots mostly in Drama, Comedy and Horror genres shot in USA, Spain, France and other countries.
father issues
father issues movies
TOP 10 movies tagged as father issues: At eye level (2016), What a Father! (2022), Julie Darling (1982), The Sisters Brothers (2018), Little Evil (2017), Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014), Super Lopez (2018), Dagon (2001), Stepfather (1981), Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964).

List of father issues movies

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At eye level (2016)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family
Country: Germany
Duration: 98 min.
Story: 11-year-old Michi lives in a children's home, every day fighting to win the respect of the other kids, till the day he finds his real dad, Tom - who happens to be a dwarf, even shorter than Michi is, the opposite of his idea of manliness and ...
Style: psychological, satirical, feel good, semi serious, captivating ...
Audience: family outing
Plot: friendship, short man, paternity revealed, family relations, father and son, father son relationship, dwarf, parents and children, satire, father issues, relationship problems, kids and family ...
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What a Father! (2022)
Genre: Comedy
Country: Mexico
Duration: 99 min.
Story: Pedro is a single man in his forties who likes to party, has no children and lives at night. Everything changes when he meets Alin. She mentions to him that she is looking for her dad and that there is a high probability that it is him.
Style: entertaining, feel good, satirical, funny, captivating ...
Plot: father daughter relationship, paternity revealed, kids and family, family relations, fatherhood, father issues, changing lives, male female relationship, satire, father and daughter, lifestyle change, father ...
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Julie Darling (1982)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Country: West Germany, Canada
Duration: 90 min.
Story: A teenage girl whose inaction caused her mother's death arranges a similarly gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother.
Style: suspense, slasher, erotic, disturbing, independent film ...
Plot: obsession, evil child, sex scene, female psychopath, violence, sex crime, making love, woman with a gun, exploitation, murder, psychopath, incest overtones ...
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The Sisters Brothers (2018)
Genre: Drama, Western
Country: France, Spain, Romania, Belgium, USA
Duration: 122 min.
Story: The colourfully named gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm is being pursued across 1,000 miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the notorious assassins Eli and Charlie Sisters. Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt ...
Style: captivating, artsy, historical drama, powerful, epic ...
Audience: date night, adult
Plot: brother brother relationship, brother brother conflict, hitman, gold rush, gold, wild west, friendship between men, one last job, murder, prank, golddigger, escapades ...
Time: 1850s, 19th century, 2010s
Place: oregon, san francisco, california, pacific ocean, palo alto california
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Little Evil (2017)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 94 min.
Story: Gary, who has just married Samantha, the woman of his dreams, discovers that her six-year-old son may be the Antichrist.
Style: scary, horror comedy, dark comedy, semi serious, suspense ...
Audience: girls' night
Plot: occult, stepfather stepson relationship, dark secret, stepfather, single mother, newlywed, vulgar woman, evil child, antichrist, newlyweds, husband wife relationship, mind control ...
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Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, History, Sci-Fi
Country: USA, India
Duration: 92 min.
Story: A young boy and his dog, who happens to have a genius-level IQ, spring into action when their time-travel machine is stolen and moments in history begin to be changed.
Style: humorous, computer animated, entertaining, witty, colorful ...
Audience: kids, family outing, family friendly, pre-teens
Plot: time travel, inventor, prodigy, dog, young heroes, time machine, talking dog, father son relationship, heroes, adoption, sent to the past, storytelling ...
Time: year 2014, 16th century, 2010s, 20th century, 18th century ...
Place: egypt, usa, italy, north africa, versailles ...
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Super Lopez (2018)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Country: Spain
Duration: 108 min.
Story: Juan López must balance an office job with heroic feats to save the love of his life and native planet Chitón.
Style: parody, humorous, exciting, feel good, light ...
Plot: save the world, megalomaniac, selflessness, good versus evil, danger, save the day, superhuman powers, double life, undercover, journalist, secret identity, crime fighter ...
Place: barcelona, mallorca
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Dagon (2001)
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Country: Spain
Duration: 98 min.
Story: A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fishing village of Imboca. As night falls, people start to disappear and things not quite human start to appear. Paul is pursued by the entire town. ...
Style: lovecraft, scary, suspense, surprise ending, satanic ...
Plot: curses spells and rituals, cthulhu, chase, monster, supernatural, small town, body horror, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, gory, nightmare, ritual, human sacrifice ...
Place: spain, galicia, europe
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Stepfather (1981)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: France
Duration: 123 min.
Story: Rémi is a man trapped in a deteriorating marriage. When his wife is unexpectedly killed in a car accident, Rémi is left with his stepdaughter, Marion, who chooses to stay with him rather than live with her birth father. After the initial shock ...
Style: sexy, erotic, psychological, sensual, serious ...
Audience: teens, chick flick, teen drama, adult
Plot: forbidden love, age difference, incest, lolita, first love, incestuous relationship, girl man relationship, stepfather stepdaughter relationship, seduction, sex with a minor, older man younger woman relationship, age-gap relationship ...
Time: 80s, year 1981
Place: france, paris france
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Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 133 min.
Story: An aging, reclusive Southern belle plagued by a horrifying family secret descends into madness after the arrival of a lost relative.
Style: southern gothic, gothic, atmospheric, suspenseful, scary ...
Plot: insanity, haunted by the past, murder, hagsploitation, plot twist, mental disorder, deep south, female villain, aging, woman in danger, psychotic woman, bullying ...
Time: 20th century, 60s, year 1964, 1920s
Place: louisiana, southern usa, usa
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A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Country: Italy, France, Spain, UK
Duration: 104 min.
Story: A young woman is accused of murdering her debauched neighbor after dreaming it. Was she set up, or did she really do it?
Style: slasher, psychosexual thriller, grindhouse, surprise ending, spooky ...
Plot: lesbian lover, nightmare, erotic dream, murder, lesbian, female nudity, serial killer, glamour, female psychopath, plot twist, acid trip, mysticism ...
Time: 70s
Place: london, england, europe
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 96 min.
Story: It's been many years since Freddy Krueger's first victim, Nancy, came face-to-face with Freddy and his sadistic, evil ways. Now, Nancy's all grown up; she's put her frightening nightmares behind her and is helping teens cope with ...
Style: slasher, scary, surreal, suspense, bloody ...
Audience: teens, date night, adult
Plot: serial killer, mental institution, murder, supernatural, nightmare, dream, dead teenager, sleep disorder, trapped, serial murder, nightmare on elm street, nightmare comes true ...
Time: 80s, 20th century, year 1990
Place: los angeles, usa, ohio
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A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Genre: Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 91 min.
Story: Teenagers in a small town are dropping like flies, apparently in the grip of mass hysteria causing their suicides. A cop's daughter, Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp) traces the cause to child molester Fred Krueger (Robert Englund), who was ...
Style: slasher, scary, suspense, bloody, suspenseful ...
Audience: teens, date night, adult
Plot: supernatural, dream, supernatural horror, murder, nightmare, gory, serial killer, fear, nightmare comes true, high school, sleep deprivation, teenager ...
Time: 80s, year 1984, 20th century, year 1981
Place: ohio, usa
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A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (1989)
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 89 min.
Story: Alice, having survived the previous installment of the Nightmare series, finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again. This time, the taunting murderer is striking through the sleeping mind of Alice's unborn child. His ...
Style: slasher, scary, grindhouse, bloody, classic horror ...
Audience: teens, adult
Plot: serial killer, torture, comic book, nightmare on elm street, supernatural, vengeance, murder, gory, blood, psycho terror, child killer, serial teen killer ...
Time: 80s, year 1992, 1940s
Place: ohio, usa, midwest
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Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Country: Italy, France
Duration: 104 min.
Story: Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He ...
Style: slasher, mind bending, grindhouse, creepy, suspense ...
Plot: serial killer, female serial killer, closeted homosexual, murder, obsession, female psychopath, psychotic, macabre, murder mystery, gay, musician, killer ...
Time: year 1971, 70s
Place: europe, rome italy, italy, germany
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Country: USA
Duration: 121 min.
Story: Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.
Style: futuristic, exciting, humorous, suspenseful, captivating ...
Audience: teens, kids, girls' night, chick flick, family friendly ...
Plot: superhero, space opera, heroes, outer space, space travel, intergalactic, escapades, space and aliens, good versus evil, talking animal, raccoon, creature ...
Time: future, year 2014, year 2016, 80s, 2010s ...
Place: space western, london, usa, missouri
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Hotel Fear (1978)
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Country: Italy, Spain
Duration: 92 min.
Story: A young girl and her mother run a hotel during the war. When the mother dies, the girl finds herself at the mercy of her sex-crazed guests. Soon enough, a cloaked figure starts killing off everyone that tries to harm her.
Style: gothic, controversial, disturbing, dark, grindhouse ...
Plot: sexual assault, rape and revenge, serial killer, world war two, murderer, female psychopath, folk horror, motel, maniac, abandoned house, cruelty, false confession ...
Time: 1940s, year 1945
Place: italy
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The Road Within (2014)
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Country: USA
Duration: 100 min.
Story: A young man with Tourette's Syndrome embarks on a road trip with his recently-deceased mother's ashes.
Style: road movie, touching, sentimental, realistic, teen ...
Audience: teens
Plot: road trip, mental illness, tourette's syndrome, on the road, friendship, psychiatrist, coming of age, father son relationship, obsessive quest, mentally unstable protagonist, social misfits, escapades ...
Time: 21st century
Place: usa, los angeles, reno nevada
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The Word (2014)
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Country: Poland, Denmark
Duration: 97 min.
Story: Days before the end of the school year, Liliana gives Janek an ultimatum, giving him 24 hours to either prove his love for her or forget about her altogether.
Style: tense, serious, psychological, captivating, realistic ...
Plot: obsession, teenage love, drunken teenager, high school life, youth, teenage life, revenge, jealousy, coming of age, rivalry, murder, betrayal ...
Time: 21st century
Place: poland
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Senior Trip (1981)
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: USA
Duration: 96 min.
Story: A group of graduating students from a midwestern high school comes to New York City on a trip to celebrate the impending end of school. The students include: Roger Ellis, an ambitious teen aiming for success in big business; David, an aspiring rock ...
Style: freeze frame, teen comedy
Plot: tourist, horse, artist, father issues, secretary, painter, taxi, actor, fish, bus driver, gay, male objectification ...
Place: new york
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Office Killer (1997)
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Horror, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 82 min.
Story: When Dorine Douglas' job as proofreader for Constant Consumer magazine is turned into an at-home position during a downsizing, she doesn't know how to cope. But after accidentally killing one of her co-workers, she discovers that murder ...
Style: psychological, slasher, black comedy, cynical, semi serious ...
Plot: asthma, workplace, office, asthmatic, manipulation, serial killer, psychopath, workplace romance, obsession, goofy hero, protagonist as suspect, evil woman ...
Time: 90s
Place: virginia, new york, usa
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The Attic (1980)
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 101 min.
Story: A librarian devotes her life to caring for her wheelchair-bound tyrannical father after being stood up at altar. She fantasizes his death and finds joy only with her pet monkey. When the monkey disappears, a shocking past is revealed.
Style: suspense, independent film, scary, mind bending, tense ...
Plot: older woman younger man relationship, family relations, hagsploitation, father, mental disorder, female psychopath, world war two, bad father, exploitation, murder, attic, pets ...
Time: year 1980, 70s
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Lover Come Back (1961)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 107 min.
Story: Rock Hudson and Doris Day are together again! Jerry Webster (Hudson) and Carol Templeton (Day) are rival Madison Avenue advertising executives who each dislike each other’s methods. After he steals a client out from under her cute little nose, ...
Style: sex comedy, funny, sexy, retro, witty ...
Audience: date night
Plot: screwball, advertising, couples, workplace, satire, wine, mistaken identity, corruption, identity, business, breakup, office work ...
Time: year 1961, future, 60s, 20th century
Place: new york, usa, manhattan new york city, canada
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Related movie lists
Full Moon High (1981)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 93 min.
Story: A teenager (Adam Arkin) becomes a werewolf after a family vacation in Transylvania.
Style: humorous, scary, semi serious, horror comedy, independent film ...
Audience: teens
Plot: werewolf, high school, teenager, supernatural, young lovers, danger, supernatural ability, youth, teenage life, female werewolf, cheerleader, american football ...
Time: year 1981
Place: transylvania, romania, europe
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The Spectacular Now (2013)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 95 min.
Story: A hard-partying high school senior's philosophy on life changes when he meets the not-so-typical "nice girl."
Style: touching, teen, sincere, melancholic, independent film ...
Audience: teens, chick flick, date night, teen drama
Plot: coming of age, teenager, teenage life, youth, first love, couples, teenage love, high school, family relations, love, classmate, drinking problem ...
Time: 2010s, future, 21st century
Place: usa, philadelphia, key west florida
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The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Country: USA, Denmark, Australia
Duration: 101 min.
Story: Six young ninjas are tasked with defending their island home of Ninjago. By night, they’re gifted warriors using their skill and awesome fleet of vehicles to fight villains and monsters. By day, they’re ordinary teens struggling against their ...
Style: exciting, captivating, humorous, feel good, light ...
Audience: kids, family outing, toddlers
Plot: lego, martial arts, ninja, superhero, ninja warrior, training, wilhelm scream, karate, magic, battles, father son relationship, friend ...
Time: year 2017, 2010s
Place: fictional island
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According to Greta (2009)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 92 min.
Story: Greta is a waitress who falls for an ambitious cook at the restaurant where they work. But as their summer romance heats up, she has to overcome the concerns of her grandparents about her boyfriend's criminal past.
Style: realistic, captivating, teen, touching, psychological ...
Audience: chick flick, teens, girls' night, date night, teen drama
Plot: teenage love, suicidal, teenage life, suicide, society, teenager, youth, summer, mother daughter relationship, teenage girl, death wish, girl ...
Time: 21st century
Place: usa, new jersey
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Q & A (1990)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 132 min.
Story: A young district attorney seeking to prove a case against a corrupt police detective encounters a former lover and her new protector, a crime boss who refuse to help him.
Style: talky, intense, neo noir, suspenseful, rough ...
Audience: boys' night
Plot: police corruption, corruption, murder, investigation, police brutality, lawyer, fighting the system, life is a bitch, dishonesty, protagonist as suspect, legal, dedicated lawyer ...
Time: 80s
Place: usa, new york, puerto rico
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Hulk (2003)
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Country: USA
Duration: 138 min.
Story: Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers massive radiation exposure in his laboratory that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.
Style: serious, exciting, intense, action packed, action adventure ...
Audience: teens, girls' night, boys' night
Plot: superhero, experiment gone awry, genetics, superhuman powers, chase, transformation, mutant, mad scientist, military, scientist, repressed memory, father son relationship ...
Time: year 2003, 2000s, 70s, 80s, 60s ...
Place: san francisco, california, bay area, central america, south america ...
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Frat Party (2009)
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Duration: 90 min.
Story: Duffy the big man on campus who is marrying Adriana, a debutante heiress to a global wine fortune, right after they both graduate from the same prestigious University. Unfortunately , the final Frat Party of his college career is the night before ...
Style: sex comedy, sexy, not serious, realistic, humorous ...
Audience: date night, boys' night, teens
Plot: college, sexual attraction, masseuse, couple relations, battle of the sexes, youth, sexual relations, friends, couples, buddies, college life, looking for sex ...
Time: 21st century
Place: usa
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