Beach volleyball movies and TV shows

The list contains the best, new and most relevant beach volleyball movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out realistic, humorous, captivating, funny, feel good and entertaining films and TV shows about / with beach volleyball, beach, female nudity, volleyball, bikini, bare chested male, bare breasts, sex scene, nudity and friendship plots mostly in Comedy, Drama and Romance genres shot in USA, UK, France and other countries.
beach volleyball
beach volleyball movies
TOP 10 movies tagged as beach volleyball: Cloud 9 (2006), Green Flash (2008), Side Out (1990), Harukana Receive (2018), Wet and Wild Summer (1993), Barbie (2023), Beach Spike (2011), Impact Point (2008), A Woman for All Men (1975), DOA: Dead or Alive (2006).

List of beach volleyball movies

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Cloud 9 (2006)
Genre: Comedy, Sport
Country: USA
Duration: 93 min.
Story: Has-been sports promoter Billy Cole gets a second shot at fame and fortune when he puts together a women's volleyball team, comprised of exotic dancers...
Style: semi serious, realistic, humorous, captivating, offbeat ...
Plot: beach volleyball, beach, rivalry, ambition, lifestyle, against the odds, self discovery, partner, cons and scams, womanizer, seduction, volleyball ...
Time: 20th century, 21st century
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Green Flash (2008)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport
Country: USA
Duration: 95 min.
Story: At the ripe old age of 30, Cameron Day has given up his chances at pro-basketball fame and settled into an aimless life. A chance encounter with a beautiful woman lands him smack in the middle of Southern California's pro beach volleyball ...
Style: realistic, serious, captivating, inspirational
Plot: teenage love, self discovery, beach volleyball, ambition, rivalry, sport team, ego clash, athlete's life, youth, prodigy, contests and competitions, underdog ...
Time: 21st century
Place: usa, california, new york, southern california
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Side Out (1990)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sport
Country: USA
Duration: 100 min.
Story: A law student comes to California for the summer and ends up playing professional volleyball.
Style: semi serious, humorous, entertaining, inspirational, funny ...
Plot: underdog, contests and competitions, ambition, youth, volleyball, friends, self discovery, rivalry, summer, teenager, college, beach ...
Time: 80s
Place: california, los angeles, usa
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Harukana Receive (2018)
Genre: Animation, Drama, Sport
Country: Japan
TV show
Story: Oozora Haruka, who's just moved to Okinawa, is generally cheerful and optimistic, but there's one thing she feels insecure about: she's taller than most other girls. Her cousin Higa Kanata also has one hang-up: she had to quit her ...
Style: anime, captivating, entertaining, disturbing, ecchi
Plot: volleyball, beach, beach volleyball, slice of life, female protagonist, sport team, tournament, female athlete, team, coping, teamwork, professional rivalry ...
Place: okinawa
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Wet and Wild Summer (1993)
Genre: Comedy
Country: Australia, USA
Duration: 95 min.
Story: A property developer wants to take over an Australian beach for a high rise resort. He sends his son to Australia to check out the situation, posing as an exchange lifeguard. He falls in love with a woman who owns the land his father needs for the ...
Style: crying, freeze frame, sex comedy, independent film
Plot: nudism, nude beach, lifeguard, beach, bare butt, male pubic hair, nudity, female pubic hair, bare chested male, photography, public nudity, naturist ...
Place: oceania, los angeles
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Barbie (2023)
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Country: USA, UK
Duration: 114 min.
Story: To live in Barbie Land is to be a perfect being in a perfect place. Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Or you're a Ken.
Style: captivating, entertaining, humorous, feel good, funny ...
Audience: chick flick
Plot: barbie, doll, fantasy world, existential crisis, voice over narration, blonde girl, ceo, patriarchy, social satire, blonde, pregnant woman, mother daughter relationship ...
Time: 2020s
Place: california, los angeles
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Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation (2008)
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Duration: 104 min.
Story: Ron Simmons (Josh Cooke) is ready to settle down and get married, but first, he must survive his out-of-control bachelor party. With his best buds shoving booze, women and more booze in his face.Stripper fights, a sex addicts' convention and a ...
Style: realistic, not serious, humorous, sex comedy, sexy ...
Audience: boys' night, adult
Plot: wedding, strip club, beach volleyball, lesbian sex, sex, disorder, friends, dishonesty, fall in love, nothing goes right, buddies, bachelorette party ...
Place: miami, florida, usa, cleveland ohio
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Beach Spike (2011)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Sport
Country: Hong Kong
Story: In Hong Kong's Paradise Cove Sharon (Chrissie Chau) and Rachel (Theresa Fu) work at a restaurant of their kung fu master uncle Tao (Lo Mang) while taking on rivals in beach volleyball matches. The wealthy Bu family has plans to have the beach ...
Style: disturbing, captivating, psychological
Plot: volleyball, beach volleyball, female protagonist, aspiration, ambition, women, sport team, competitor, ambitious woman, direction and purpose, rivalry, kung fu ...
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Impact Point (2008)
Genre: Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 84 min.
Story: Pro Beach Volleyball star, Kelly Reyes, faces challenges everyday, fierce competitors, the press, but nothing could prepare her for him.
Style: suspenseful, serious, realistic, psychological, scary
Audience: boys' night
Plot: serial killer, police investigation, danger, rivalry, murder, stalking, psychopath, mind game, dangerous attraction, obsession, woman in danger, law enforcement ...
Place: usa, beverly hills
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A Woman for All Men (1975)
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Duration: 95 min.
Story: A wealthy businessman takes on a pretty young wife - with deadly results.
Plot: bare breasts, marriage, showgirl, exploitation, older woman younger man relationship, sex with stepson, incest, stepmother, affair, prostitute, voyeur, lust ...
Time: 70s
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DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery
Country: UK, Germany, Japan, USA, Canada
Duration: 87 min.
Story: Four beautiful rivals at an invitation-only martial-arts tournament join forces against a sinister threat. Princess Kasumi is an aristocratic warrior trained by martial-arts masters. Tina Armstrong is a wrestling superstar. Helena Douglas is an ...
Style: exciting, action packed, action adventure, stylized, sexy ...
Audience: teens, boys' night
Plot: martial arts, ninja, female martial artist, female protagonist, competition, female fighter, kick-butt women, tournament, master warrior, runaway, friendship, contests and competitions ...
Time: year 2006, 2000s, 21st century
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Under the Riccione Sun (2020)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: Italy
Duration: 101 min.
Story: While vacationing on the crowded beaches of Riccione, a group of teenagers becomes fast friends as they grapple with relationship issues and romance.
Style: humorous, light, feel good, entertaining, rom com ...
Plot: virgin, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, summer, blind character, summer vacation, blindness, beach volleyball, teenager, best friend, failed expectations, tourist, aspiring singer ...
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A Summer's Tale (1996)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: France
Duration: 113 min.
Story: A shy maths graduate takes a holiday in Dinard before starting his first job. He hopes his sort-of girlfriend will join him, but soon strikes up a friendship with another girl working in town. She in turn introduces him to a further young lady who ...
Style: art house, anthology, cute, artsy, realistic ...
Audience: date night
Plot: summer, love, fall in love, graduation, glamour, friendship, time travel, mathematician, journey, crazy love, love hurts, daily life ...
Time: 90s, year 1996, year 1995
Place: france, europe, brittany, english channel
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Love at the Shore (2017)
Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 84 min.
Story: Single mom Jenna Thompson only five weeks to deliver her next teen novel to her publisher. So, this year's annual beach vacation with her kids will be a working vacation. Upon arrival, the family soon meets their new next-door neighbor, ...
Style: romantic, captivating, entertaining, light, emotional
Plot: love affair, fall in love, love and romance, single mother, vacation, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, female writer, romantic relationship, male female relationship, relationships, love story, couple relations ...
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Demon Tongue (2016)
Genre: Horror
Country: USA
Duration: 85 min.
Story: Four paranormal students get much more than they bargained for at a secluded beach volleyball complex.
Style: suspenseful, scary, bleak, dark, independent film
Plot: demon, hearing voices, murder, paranormal, danger, survival, group of friends, confined, basement, student, found footage, psychic vision ...
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MILF (2018)
Genre: Comedy
Country: France, Belgium
Duration: 101 min.
Story: Three best friends in their forties start a relationship with younger men while on vacation.
Style: light, feel good, captivating, funny, happy ...
Plot: older woman younger man relationship, sex scene, milf, nightclub, pelican, tourism, seduction, women, affair, vacation, holiday, flirting ...
Place: south of france, france
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On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez (1987)
Genre: Comedy
Country: France
Duration: 86 min.
Story: A teenager lies to her parents and goes to the South of France instead of studying for the summer. Meeting with her not-so faithful boyfriend and his DJ friend, she discovers her father is also there - with another woman.
Style: sex comedy, freeze frame, teen sex comedy, mad, teen comedy
Plot: mother daughter relationship, beach, flirting, radio, real estate agent, female nudity, gay stereotype, summer vacation, seaside, machismo, radio dj, taxi driver ...
Time: 80s
Place: mediterranean sea, riviera, saint tropez, paris france, french riviera ...
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The Love Punch (2013)
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Country: France, UK, USA
Duration: 94 min.
Story: Retirement at last! Middle-aged and divorced, company owner Richard Jones is looking forward to a worry-free existence as he arrives at his office on his last day of work. Much to his dismay, he discovers that the management buyout of his company ...
Style: feel good, semi serious, humorous, realistic, light ...
Audience: date night, chick flick
Plot: couples, heist, reluctant partners, unlikely partners, bankruptcy, vengeance, renewed love, disorder, dishonesty, love and romance, couple relations, caper ...
Time: year 2013, 21st century
Place: europe, paris france, french riviera, england, cannes
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Screwballs (1983)
Genre: Comedy
Country: Canada
Duration: 82 min.
Story: Welcome to T & A High, where the entire student body including campus virgin Purity Busch, chronic masturbator Melvin Jerkovski, repressed Principal Stuckoff and blonde bombshell Bootsie Goodhead all must rise to the challenges of freshman ...
Style: sex comedy, independent film, grindhouse, teen sex comedy, sexy ...
Audience: teens
Plot: sex, strip club, bowling, sex shop, cheerleader, high school, female nudity, older woman younger man relationship, caught masturbating, dream girl, nerd, teenager ...
Time: year 1965, 80s, 60s
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Terminal Exposure (1987)
Genre: Comedy, Crime
Country: USA
Duration: 105 min.
Story: Two beach combing-shutterbugs accidentally capture a murder on film. Now detectives, the boys set out to capture a murderess shot only from behind, with a rose tattoo on her behind. Fun in the sun turns dangerous when they end up shooting bullets ...
Style: detective, cult classic, dark comedy, independent film, neo noir
Audience: teens
Plot: beach, murder, erotic dream, voyeur, voyeurism, female nudity, city, corvette, water gun, obese woman, best friend, stripper ...
Place: venice beach california, venice california, los angeles, las vegas, california
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The Startup: Accendi il tuo futuro (2017)
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy
Duration: 93 min.
Story: A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team's sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network.
Style: suspense, suspenseful, tense, unusual plot structure, contemplative ...
Plot: swimming, male objectification, teenage boy, male nudity, swimmer, teenage protagonist, exhibitionism, athlete and trainer, rivalry, nude, vengeance, escapades ...
Time: 21st century
Place: italy
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From the Sea (2013)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 85 min.
Story: When monsters suddenly appear from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a special team pilots giant robots to combat the new threat.
Style: tense, suspenseful, captivating, exciting, disturbing ...
Plot: sea monster, kaiju, giant monster, giant robot, military, soldier, navy, aircraft carrier, missile, destruction, death, killer animal ...
Place: manhattan new york city, atlantic ocean, new orleans, new york
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Watchful Eye (2002)
Genre: Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 83 min.
Story: Malibu detective Shannon (Renee Rea) goes undercover in a group house to discover who murdered one of the women living there. Shannon gets caught up in the sex and parties, not knowing that her every action is being secretly broadcast on satellite ...
Style: suspenseful, serious, suspense, erotic, detective ...
Audience: boys' night, adult
Plot: murder, voyeurism, femme fatale, police, bondage, investigation, law enforcement, dangerous attraction, danger, dishonesty, erotica, woman with a gun ...
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Sune's Summer (1993)
Genre: Comedy, Family
Country: Sweden
Duration: 83 min.
Story: It's summer and Sune Anderssons family is planning a holiday in Greece. Sunes father, Rudolf is sulking because then he won't be able to go on his beloved fishing trip. But after seeing how much the Greek trip is going to cost, he comes up ...
Style: semi serious, realistic, not serious, humorous, touching
Audience: family outing
Plot: boy, childhood sweetheart, european, summer, family relations, daydreamer, car, silly humor, friends, disorder, nothing goes right, family life ...
Time: 20th century, 90s
Place: europe, switzerland
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Issues 101 (2002)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 90 min.
Story: College freshman Joe is new to school when he mistakes a rush invitation for a come-on from a cute fraternity brother. He's no less confused after a hazing ritual between him and Christian, his "big brother" in the Greek system, takes ...
Style: realistic, sentimental, psychological, captivating, semi serious ...
Audience: teens
Plot: gay, college, couples, youth, gender, student life, gay relationship, love triangle, brother brother relationship, fraternity, hidden camera, lgbt ...
Time: 21st century
Place: usa, california
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Wild Things 2 (2004)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 95 min.
Story: Sequel to the hot film Wild Things, Wild Things 2 sees teenage bad girls Maya and Britney go on a sex and killing spree to win millions.
Style: realistic, serious, suspenseful, sexy, sensual ...
Audience: boys' night, teens, adult
Plot: femme fatale, lesbianism, investigation, high school, murder, dishonesty, crime gone awry, danger, love triangle, conspiracy, lesbian, female nudity ...
Place: florida, usa
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The Way We Were (1973)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Duration: 118 min.
Story: Two desperate people have a wonderful romance, but their political views and convictions drive them apart.
Style: sentimental, realistic, serious, captivating, intellectual ...
Audience: date night, girls' night
Plot: mccarthyism, naval officer, couples, politics, breakup, husband wife relationship, adultery, love story, passion, world war two, love and romance, friendship ...
Time: 1940s, 50s, 1930s, 1950s, pre world war two ...
Place: usa, new york, california, middle east, malibu california ...
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Rio (2011)
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Music, Musical
Country: USA, UK
Duration: 96 min.
Story: Captured by smugglers when he was just a hatchling, a macaw named Blu never learned to fly and lives a happily domesticated life in Minnesota with his human friend, Linda. Blu is thought to be the last of his kind, but when word comes that Jewel, a ...
Style: touching, humorous, entertaining, funny, exciting ...
Audience: kids, family outing, teens, family friendly, pre-teens ...
Plot: bird, parrot, kids and family, jungle, animal, happy ending, friendship, good versus evil, fantasy world, childhood, talking animal, animal life ...
Time: 2010s, year 2011, 20th century, 21st century
Place: rio de janeiro, minnesota, brazil, south america, iran ...
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Good Luck Chuck (2007)
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Country: USA, Canada
Duration: 101 min.
Story: Cursed since childhood, dentist Charlie Kagan cannot find the right woman. Even worse, he learns that each of his ex-girlfriends finds true love with the man she meets after her relationship with him ends. Hearing of Charlie's reputation as a ...
Style: funny, humorous, romantic, sex comedy, sexy ...
Audience: teens, date night, chick flick, adult
Plot: sex, true love, womanizer, dream girl, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, nudity, love and romance, sex scene, curses spells and rituals, erotica, love, best friend ...
Time: 2000s, year 1985, 80s, 21st century
Place: usa, antarctica
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Bad Santa (2003)
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Country: Germany, USA
Duration: 92 min.
Story: A miserable conman and his partner pose as Santa and his Little Helper to rob department stores on Christmas Eve. But they run into problems when the conman befriends a troubled kid, and the security boss discovers the plot.
Style: dark comedy, hilarious, funny, humorous, black comedy ...
Audience: girls' night, adult
Plot: dark humor, profanity, christmas, heist, robbery, bully, alcohol abuse, christmas eve, holiday, misfit, bullying, anti hero ...
Time: year 2003, 2000s, 21st century
Place: usa, arizona, miami, milwaukee wisconsin, phoenix arizona
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